The 2024 Conference
This year’s conference came to a close on Wednesday 10th July 2024. Here’s a brief summary of the schedule and how it worked. Additionally, links to the passed resolutions from the conference can be found below.
Conference Overview
There are several stages in MUNoC conferences. These are:
- Lobbying.
- Debating in committees.
- Debating in forum assemblies.
In addition to these essential parts, there are press conferences, interviews, and speeches from renowned guest speakers.
Lobbying is where a delegate tries to convince other delegates that their resolution should be debated. There are two lobbying sessions – one including all delegates of the conference, and another that is only within your assigned committee. A committee is a group of delegates from different delegations that are associated by the topic of their resolutions and debates. Delegates should also used lobbying sessions to figure out other delegates’ positions in relation to their own – i.e. who they will agree or disagree with in the next stage of the conference, the debates.
In the debates, delegates are given the opportunity to showcase their state’s ideas and standpoints on global issues. Diplomatic arguments over key concepts such as climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, and human rights will develop between different nations. After reaching a solution, it is voted upon, and either passed or failed. One series of debates occurs within the committees, and another with the whole conference.

Here are some of the delegates from the 2024 conference in the heat of the action, striking key deals with other delegations in order to get their resolutions passed. It is during this stage that the delegates begin to form alliances with others and figure out who they can side with on the upcoming debates.

This year, a huge variety of global issues were discussed – including abortion laws, sustainable energy sources, the strength of UN peacekeeping forces, nuclear non-proliferation, and the obstruction of trade routes. Delegates established coalitions and presented their arguments to each other, using their proficiency in diplomacy and articulation to promote the views of their state. Here are a few of the resolutions passed by each committee:

At 10:20 on Wednesday 10th July 2024, the final day of this year’s conference, a crisis event was announced. An independent cybercrime group, with alleged sponsorship from an unknown state, had tampered with the recent elections in India, France, and the UK – potentially affecting the vote counts, official communication, and information portrayed by the media. Delegates were tasked with coming up with a method of investigation and prevention, dealing with the undemocratically elected leaders of the affected countries, and punishing the perpetrators. Three resolutions passed, tackling each of these issues with an approach that satisfied the majority of states.